• Monday, August 19, 2019

The barristers at Trinity Chambers supported a fundraising dinner on behalf of Stroke North East held at the Biscuit Factory in Newcastle on the evening of Friday 29th March 2019.

The "Mr Wolf presents...The Feast" event included drinks and canapes in the art gallery followed by a banquet, with music from local band, North Star as well as a raffle draw.

Stroke North East is a local charity helping survivors of stroke with their rehabilitation through a series of group days out. The charity's aim is to have a positive impact on survivors and their families across the North East who have completed the treatment and care provided by the NHS but are left with their abilities severely damaged and unable to return to the life they lived.

In gratitude of Trinity's contribution, Chambers recently received a letter of thanks from the Chair of Trustees at Stroke North East who said: "Thank you for your support. Without support like yours we would not be able to continue the work of the charity or expand it in the way we now can. All at Stroke North East hugely appreciate it."

The Dinner raised over £12,000 for the Charity, making it their most successful fund raising event to date. The letter confirms that the sums raised: "has given us the financial platform to expand our service, so that we will now be able to run two rehabilitation programmes in parallel in different locations in the North East. This has been a goal of ours for some time and you have made a massive contribution towards making that a reality."

To make a donation to the the Charity, visit Stroke North East's Virgin Money Giving page here.
